TERRY'S TOPICS #144:  SWAN SONG AS OF 25 December 2024

Note:  Terry of Yacht Valhalla has opted to not continue his web hosting, so I have offered to publish his excellent collection of links here on svsoggypaws.com. 
As of Dec 2024, Terry has published his last update.  Heartfelt thanks to all who have contributed anchorage waypoints and information over the years.

What is "Terry's Topics"? 

It is an AWESOME collection of waypoints and satellite charts covering SE Asia parts of western South Pacific, and the Indian Ocean, along with lots of other useful stuff for the cruising sailor.  Take a minute and check it out.  Provided in the original docx format, as well as PDF--take your pick which one you prefer to download.


 1) ANCHORAGES: Updates to IndonesiaAnchoragesV48 and PhilippineAnchoragesV50.

 2) OpenCPN:  PORTS(REV2).  Sea ports in 31 countries, available for emergencies.

 3) SATELLITE CHARTS:  Updates to IndonesiaRev42 and PhilippinesRev69

 4) SAT2CHART: New program version

Download this PDF file that contains all the links to all of Terry's Downloadable Information.  The files are stored on MediaFire.com, a file-sharing site similar to Dropbox.  The downloads are safe enough (virus-free), but your computer may still ask you if you are sure you want to download, as if it is a sketchy site.

The downloaded files may be in .zip or .7z format (zipped by the program 7Zip).  If your computer doesn't recognize the 7z files, you can download 7Zip from here.

Terry's Topics #144 (PDF 1.4MB)  Terry's Topics #144 (Docx .45MB)

Other awesome collections shared on OUR website

Soggy Paws Satellite Charts Page  - Charts for areas that Terry doesn't cover, plus links to many other satellite chart collections

Soggy Paws Compendiums - Cruiser-generated organized collections of cruising notes, for areas we have cruised, and areas we are planning to cruise soon.  (French Polynesia to SE Asia, the Indian Ocean, and the Red Sea).