Contact Info for the Soggy Paws Crew US cell phone numbers: Sherry 321-536-8751
Dave: 321-372-8864 Local Phones in Malaysia: Dave: +60 11-2779-8564 Full number dialing Malaysia from US: 011-60
11-4056-4341 WhatsApp: Sherry's US Number, Dave's Malaysia Number Skype: soggypaws, though internet in some countries may limit our ability to communicate.
You can send us a free text message from here: https://messaging.iridium.com We will get it next time we turn our Iridium on (daily when we are at sea, not so often when in port, and not at all when we are off the boat). Facebook: Both Sherry and Dave are on Facebook--search for us using our email addresses below.
These email addresses require internet access, which we don't always have (though, these days, we mostly do have internet). But we do collect our email and WILL answer email, when we next get a chance. Ham Callsign: KN4TH We have both Sailmail and Winlink, and check them regularly. This is our only email when we are at sea. If you are familiar with Sailmail/Winlink, feel free to drop us a short note on there, if we are out at sea (check our blog for where we are and what we're doing. If not cruising, we only check this email occasionally) eFax: (866) 472-9551 The eFax number
delivers your fax to us via email.
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you
didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail
away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore.
Dream. Discover."
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